Penns Woods Bancorp
Penns Woods Bancorp (PWB), Inc. is listed on the NASDAQ National Market under the symbol PWOD. It is the bank holding company for Jersey Shore State Bank (JSSB), Luzerne Bank (Luzerne) and United Insurance Solutions (UIS). PWB is headquartered in Williamsport, PA.
JSSB's 17 full-service offices and Luzerne's 8 full-service offices serve customers throughout northcentral and northeastern Pennsylvania through the bank's retail banking, commercial banking, mortgage and financial services divisions.
UIS provides Home, Auto, Property & Casualty, Commercial, Medicare, and Life Insurance to meet the needs of customers.
Meet the PWB Leadership Team
We value leadership, the kind of insightful, strategic leadership necessary to ensure the ongoing success and integrity of the regional financial institutions we oversee. We take pride in the expertise, dedication to excellence, and commitment to community of our leadership team as well as the leadership serving at each of our member banks.